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The Identity Leadership Inventory - Commercial Use


The Identity Leadership Inventory - Commercial Use


Product Description

You are purchasing the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI).

The Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) is a theory-driven, validated inventory that assesses four components of identity leadership that centres on leaders management of a shared sense of ‘we’ and ‘us’, as originally laid out in 'The New Psychology of Leadership'.

This four-dimensional model has been validated in multiple strands of research, reported in a 2014 Leadership Quarterly article (read the full article).

The four dimensions comprising identity leadership can be defined as follows: 

  • Identity Prototypicality: 'Being one of us'

  • Identity Advancement: 'Doing it for us'

  • Identity Entrepreneurship: 'Crafting a sense of us'

  • Identity Impresarioship: 'Making us matter'

The Identity Leadership Inventory can be administered as either a comprehensive 15-item inventory, or as a short 4-item form.


Commercial use of the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI):

  • Use by individual practitioners for organisational intervention or consulting work. 

  • Client presentations or professional conferences (must be accompanied by reference to the Copyright Owner and with reference that use of the ILI is not permitted without entering into a license).

  • Commercial licensees cannot publish, share, distribute, modify, sublicense or sell the ILI materials. They are copyright protected.


Commercial License

A 12-month Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) commercial license is available.

The ILI license is priced based on your estimated number of uses (in units of 100) during the 12-month license period.

12 month commercial license fee per user

  • 1–100 users:  AUD$300.00 plus GST
  • More than 100 users:  AUD$500.00 plus GST

Pricing is in Australian Dollars and is exclusive of GST.

Purchase Instructions:

To purchase a commercial use license, complete all required fields and proceed to the checkout.  When you purchase a license, you will be charged based on your intended number of uses of the ILI during a 12 month (annual period).  Should you wish to renew your license after the initial 12 month license period, you can simply come back and renew through the UniQuest e-shop.

Upon receipt of your credit card payment, you will receive the following files for download:

  • The ILI standard form, a comprehensive 15-item inventory.
  • The ILI short form, a short 4-item form (ILI-SF).

Terms and Conditions

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